The DAY OF ARCHITECTURE, proclaimed by the International Union of Architects (UIA), is gradually becoming a tradition in Latvia and in Riga too – this year, for the third time, on 6 October in the afternoon, between 16.00 and 19.00, the architecture firms in Riga will be throwing open their doors to the public.

20 architecture firms will show people through their doors for an open dialogue with residents of Riga namely potential customers, interested parties and users of architecture. To find out more about other events and locations of architecture firms, follow directions in the map (see attachment).
Previous experience shows that the residents of Riga express interest in the architectural issues and the designing process!

The Riga City Chief Architect Jānis Dripe, together with the Riga City Council administration, intends to visit several architecture firms – Sarma & Norde (Programme 4 Rooms), AG Birojs (LNO 3rd stage reconstruction), Arhis, in the architecture bureau – (presentation of works from the exhibition: Riga After 20,000,000), Treimanis un Sabiedrotie (Vision on evolution of the Riga Central Railway Terminal and the adjacent railway corridor), mT15 ( How could Riga look, when the Airport services 20 million passengers a year? ).

The subject of this year announced by the International Union of Architects: CHILD, BE THE ARCHITECT OF A BETTER FUTURE will be dedicated to commemorate Giancarlo Ius, UIA Past Vice-President. In its explanation, the unhidden poetic naivety is felt and, in a broader meaning, a certain symbolism (

Using how this subject relates to schoolchildren – the future residents and architects of Riga, the Riga City Chief Architect Jānis Dripe has sent to Riga Secondary Schools some films made by the Riga City Chief Architect Bureau – New Architecture of Riga, Wooden Architecture of Riga and Art Nouveau in the Riga Architecture. The films will be useful for schoolchildren, teachers and school visitors – providing information on our city.

Programme of the Events and their Venues

Riga City Chief Architect Bureau
Una Kupča, Project Manager
Tel. 67105937; 29286106


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