Within the Framework of the Exhibition “Process”, One Can Get Acquainted with the Model of the Daugava Left Bank Housing Vision

The Riga City Council City Development Department and the Riga City Architect Bureau invites residents and guests of Riga, businessmen and representatives of non-governmental organizations to see and to express their opinions and proposals on the Daugava Left Bank Housing Vision (model in the scale of 1:1 000), from Podraga to Lucavsala.

The Daugava Left Bank Housing Vision is a part of the Contemporary Architecture Exhibition “Process”, which is arranged at the LNMM Exhibition Hall Arsenāls on 1 Torņa iela from 1 to 16 March 2008.

The Daugava Left Bank Housing Vision is now in the process of elaboration, alongside with the Daugava Left Bank Skyline Conception. Simultaneously, research is being conducted on the transport flow and environmental issues. The Daugava Left Bank Skyline Conception is planned to be passed for public consideration this May. However, at present, all those, who are interested, have an opportunity of getting acquainted with the Daugava Left Bank Housing Vision at its elaboration stage and to provide one’s own vision on the spatial development of this part of the city.
Written proposals can be submitted up to 16 March 2008, by completing the Reference Form on the spot during the exhibition or sending it by mail addressed to the Riga City Council City Development Department on 4 Amatu iela, Riga, LV – 1050, or as well to the Riga City Architect Bureau on 60 -21 Dzirnavu iela,  LV- 1050.

Starting the project conception development of the Daugava Left Bank Skyline, in February 2006 the 1st stage of the public consideration took place, 15 written offers were received at that time.

In April 2006 at the “Baltic Cities Alliance” Seminar of the City Planning Commission Project of the Baltic Cities Union vision of foreign specialists on the Daugava Left Bank Development was offered.

Whereas, the second stage of public consideration took place from 20 June till the end of August 2006, and during this time the Riga City Council City Development Department received 173 written references and offers on the Daugava Left Bank Skyline Conception Project.
In August 2006 the discussion on the Daugava Left Bank Conception Project took place between the Riga City Council politicians, officials and the public organization “Left Bank Movement” (“Kreisā Krasta Kustība”). Other public and professional organizations also expressed their opinion on this conception.

During the process of considering the conception, attention of the society was mostly drawn to solution of the transport and environmental issues, as well as the professional unions discussed the offered special solution in the context of the UNESCO cultural and historical heritage.

In the summer of 2006 the conception was considered at the Public Transport Council and the decision was adopted to support the general requirement for the transport flow research and modelling for intensive housing at the Daugava left bank, as well as to support introduction of the infrastructure tax for the builders. Whereas, the Riga Historical Center Preservation and Development Council has conceptually approved the development conception of the Daugava Left Bank Skyline.  The Council has approved the architectonic vision of the Daugava Left Bank Skyline Conception, recommending to continue the work at solving transport issues and the project economic justification.

At the end of 2006, basic statements of the Daugava left bank were presented at the UNESCO main headquarters. Head of the UNESCO World Heritage Center Francesco Bandarin has expressed his concern with regards to such an intensive urban development in the Riga historical center protection area.

In the beginning of 2007 exchange of opinions on spatial planning variants of the construction project took place between architects and the project developers. Simultaneously, the work at development of the infrastructure development scenarios of the Daugava left bank of the Riga central part, by evaluating impact of the housing and traffic infrastructure on the transport traffic capacities. This work has been done with participation of such companies as SIA BRD Projekts, SIA IMINK and SIA Solvers. At this time also Prof.S.Grava provided consultations on the transport and city planning solutions developed within the framework of the Daugava Left Bank Skyline Conception and offers for improving the conception project.

In the autumn of 2007 the sketch competition on the city construction vision of the New Riga Center in Torņakalns, the Riga City Council and the State Administrative Complex was completed. The results of this competition are significant for the process of elaborating the Daugava Left Bank Skyline Conception, as the competition territory is directly related to the city environment considered by the conception.

In the summer of 2007 the discussion of architects, representatives of the local government and the Union “Jaunais Rīgas Centrs”, established by businessmen, took place, and at the end of 2007, by attracting SIA “Arhis”, SIA “Sīlis, Zābers, Kļava”, SIA “Venta Didrihsona Birojs”, as well as many leading architects, regular consultative sessions on the conceptual positions of the Daugava Left Bank Development took place, with participation of the State Cultural Monuments Protection Inspectorate, Faculty of Architecture of the Riga Technical University, Riga City Development Department and the invited specialists.

In general, the conception includes the Daugava left bank housing skyline from Daugavgrīvas to Katlakalns, drawing more attention to the 5.2 kilometer long section, subjected to the construction activities in the nearest future, from the planned Northern Crossing at Podraga to the current Island Bridge in the southern part of the city.
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