Wide-scale questionnaire to take place in Riga on all the Daugava bridges

In order to more successfully plan the events for the city transport infrastructure development, during the next two weeks polling of car drivers will take place on all the Daugava bridges.

The received information will allow being precisely aware of the daily traffic flow distribution that is required in order to plan the transport system improvements in Riga and its vicinity. The polling will be arranged in such a way as not to essentially impact the transport flow. It will take place during the existing everyday traffic jams.
During the polling time it is anticipated to ask drivers about the purpose of their trip, the starting and final points. Pilot research for this polling was done this August and it showed that the average response time is 45 seconds, so it will not impact the traffic flow. The State Police employees will take care of the safety of the research participants and arrangement of traffic. In addition, also postcards with the polling questions will be distributed at different places throughout the city.
The polling will be organized by the City Development Department of the Riga City Council in cooperation with the British Company “Faber Maunsell” and the Latvian “NK Konsultāciju Birojs”. Such polling is widely applied also in other cities of the world, in order to plan further activities and investments into the communication infrastructure, and it has proved its efficiency.
The information obtained during the research will be confidential and will be used only in a summarized way for the Riga transport model renovation and supplementing. The system updating is required for the needs of elaboration and implementation of the traffic improvement projects. The obtained data are planned to be used also in the process of elaborating the project of the Riga North Transport Corridor.
Provisional results of the research will be known at the end of September and the final ones at the end of December.
We appeal to drivers to be responsive and to participate in the polling, in this way contributing to the improvement of Riga traffic.

Riga City Council
City Development Department
Public Relations Division
in cooperation with
Riga City Council
Public Relations Division


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