Urban Development and Planning Specialists from around the World to Meet in Riga

The city of Riga was chosen for the first time as the location for the International Urban Development Association (INTA) Annual Congress, which is set to take place this year from 26 – 29 October at the Reval Hotel Latvija, Elizabetes Street 55.

The Congress will call together representatives from the public, private and academic sectors of 27 countries to assess major urban and regional development projects, thereby ensuring an exchange of opinions and experiences in issues of international significance.

The event will include a broad programme of international master classes with presentations from world-renown experts on topics such as economic and territorial intelligence, creativity, culture and innovations, and territorial competitiveness.

Opening the Riga congress will be Riga City Council Chairman J. Birks and City Development Committee Chairman S. Pīka; presenters for Riga at the congress will be architect J. Dripe (“The Architecture of Riga: Main Composition Principles and Individual Objects”) and Foreign Relations Section Director I. Graurs (“Competitive Cities – Locations with the most Attractive Living Conditions”).

A total of 80 speakers from 27 countries will present at the INTA Congress.
Last year’s INTA Annual Congress was held in Paris, France.

INTA is an International Urban Development Association founded in 1976. The Association currently has 3,000 members and partners in 60 countries. One of its goals is to provide practitioners in various institutions and structural units with expert and specialist consultations and experiences, as well as analyse urban development issues and develop recommendations for solving them.

Further information on the INTA Annual Congress is available at the INTA Congress homepage: www.inta32.org.

Riga City Council City Development Department
Public Relations Department


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