In order to facilitate access to the information about development and investment projects of international institutions and Riga city council, we offer direct links with several internet portals and their sections.

Main idea of the internet portal is to introduce stakeholders with the latest information about the European Union projects competitions and the international projects, where Riga city council and its structural units are participants. Most complete information is offered in the section „Riga city council international projects news”.

In the portal section “EU funds and programs” (In Latvian)you will find an information about different possibilities to submit the projects offered both by EU and intermediary institutions here in Latvia. Project coordinators as well as interested persons from private, public, and state and municipal sectors are offered the information about the European Union programs and funds, with a help of which it is possible to acquire funding for respective projects in the spheres responding to European Union policy. Here you will find several hundreds of different European Union programs and funds together coordinated by different European Union institutions – European Commission, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Investment Fund, European Council with the links to the institutions. Here you will also find the links to intermediary institutions, representing separate programs and funds in Latvia. There is a short structured description about each program, as well as addresses where information that is more detailed is available. In order to introduce with the program and fund description currently available for the applicants to the projects in Latvia, as well as to get to know which programs or funds have announced application for project submission, you are offered a search for the EU programs and funds’, as well as search for Offers.

It is possible for the portal users to be acquainted with the information from Latvian intermediary institutions (Public Integration Fund, Professional education development agency). Here automatically comes the information published in the home pages of the intermediary institutions, thus there is all the topical information about open projects competition in Latvia. It is possible to see the publicly available project ideas in the section Projects database, as well as Riga regional projects database is available for the projects coordinators.

Information is renewed in the EU programs and funds database regularly as soon as information is received from intermediary institutions and programs/ funds coordinating units. Information for the portal is prepared and renewed on regular basis by International projects division of Riga city council City development department Board of Economics.

Task of the portal is to provide the small and medium enterprises (SME) with the information related with their development within the context of European Union enlargement. The portal includes database of SME in Latvia, as well as search for SME partners online. Target audience of the portal is Latvian SME and their partners. Establishment of the portal was initiated by Riga city council and the partners EU within the framework of Phare CBC SPF project “On-line support to SME in the Baltic Sea region – Virtual Partnership”.

SME Forum portal gives wide information about the project „Baltic metropolis joint project for development and use of coordinated investment management approach in the Baltic Sea region”, partly funded by European Community Initiatives program INTERREG IIIB. As co-financers to the project are four partners – Riga city council, Vilnius municipality, Tallinn city council, Baltic international centre for economical policy studies). The project is linked with both the development of strategy that would improve investment management processes and co-operation with different stakeholders, collaborative relations of which is important for realization of projects targets, and extended access to information, providing realization of the conception developed.

Portal is offered by the society CONNECT Latvia, idea of which is to facilitate establishment and development of new, knowledge based companies, as well as to support realization of innovative projects in the entrepreneurship, thus facilitating establishment of new, well-paid working places in knowledge capacious spheres. Through organization of different events, CONNECT helps the entrepreneurs to receive necessary support in realization of business plan. Main task of CONNECT is to help in introduction of new technologies in the production, thus joining the scientific research with the production. CONNECT is as a bridge to join two different worlds – industrial and academic, as well as to attract necessary resources (strategic partners and investors) for realization of effective co-operation, as a result of which new products with high added value would come into the Latvian economy.

Wide construction projects choice is offered by the Information business centre project „New Projects” in the portal , which advances its mission to support rapid access to most complete and most objective information about the new projects market. The portal offers extensive new projects market database, actual information about the new projects market offers, gives monthly overview of the market, as well as information about the credit offers. In the portal, one can follow the course of project competition „Best new project 2006”.


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