In July and August 2007, there have been 755 construction projects approved and accepted at the Riga City Construction Board in total that anticipate starting of new construction, reconstruction, renovation and engineering works.

During the months of July and August the Riga City Construction Board has received 579 confirmation cards to perform simplified renovation/reconstruction. During these months the Riga City Construction Inspectorate has issued 368 construction permits and has commissioned 240 facilities.

In July and August 755 construction projects have been approved and accepted at the Riga City Construction Board. The largest amount of the approved and accepted construction and engineering projects during these months has been in the Zemgale Urban District – 176 projects. The amount of the approved construction and engineering communication projects is as follows: in the Vidzeme Urban District – 158, in the Latgale Urban District – 155, in the Northern Region – 125, in the Kurzeme Region – 91, and in the Central Region – 50.

The largest construction projects approved and accepted by the Construction Board in July and August: guest house at 80b Balasta Dambis, two low-rise blocks of flats and eight semi-detached residential houses at 115 Jūrmalas Gatve, water skiing sports and recreation complex at Mūkusalas iela, the block of flats at Lielezeres iela, the social service supported day center for adults at 35 buil.3 Aglonas iela, construction of the parish home at 3/5 Torņakalna iela, two blocks of flats at 3 Aplokciema iela, reconstruction of the Riga National Zoological Garden “Kazu kalns” at 1 Meža prospekts, the block of flats at 13 Hospitāļu iela, blocks of flats and the office building at 1 Ropažu iela, the complex of blocks of flats at 4 Aptiekas iela and other projects.

The projects approved at the sketch stage: Industrial Park at 11c Katlakalna iela, the block of flats at 24a Strautu iela, the block of flats at Kaivas iela, the block of flats and the shopping and sports centre at 14/1 Ozolciema iela, reconstruction of the hospital building into a block of flats with a group of public premises on the ground floor at 7a Talsu iela, the blocks of flats at Dambja iela, the office and residential building at 38 Krāslavas iela, construction of the block of flats at Maltas iela, construction of two block of flats at Nīcgales iela, the sales warehouse between Gogoļa, Nēģu and Pūpolu ielas and other projects.

In July and August the Riga City Construction Board has received 579 confirmation cards to perform simplified renovation/reconstruction, of these 426 applications have been received from private persons and 153 from legal entities.

In July and August the Riga City Construction Inspectorate has issued 368 construction permits: in the Latgale Urban District – 63, in the Vidzeme Urban District – 55, in the Zemgale Urban District – 44, in the Northern Region – 36, in the Kurzeme Region – 25 and in the Central Region – 20. 125 construction permits have been issued for arranging engineering structures.

In July and August 240 construction facilities have been commissioned in the City of Riga. The largest amount of the commissioned facilities has been in the Vidzeme Urban District – 58, in the Latgale Urban District – 48, in the Zemgale Urban District – 29, in the Kurzeme Region – 16, in the Northern Region – 26 and in the Central Region 8 construction facilities. Out of the commissioned facilities, 55 are engineering networks.

During these months the following have been commissioned: construction of the block of flats at 8 buil.1 Stopiņu iela, reconstruction of the block of flats to arrange a hotel at 7 Elijas iela, the monument devoted to the rescuers of the Jews during the Second World War at 124 Dzirnavu iela, the terraced blocks of flats at 13a, b, d, e, f Graudu iela, the block of flats at 4 Irlavas iela, the office and residential building at 9a Kalnciema iela, the block of flats at 12 buil.3 Ulbrokas iela, the OPEL office and the automobile showroom at 4a Grēdu iela, the block of flats at 50 buil.5 Kaivas iela, reconstruction of the Riga Zoo giraffe home and the open-air cage at 1 Meža prospects, as well as other construction facilities.

According to the currently available information on non-observation of the construction regulations, i.e. starting the unauthorized construction and deviations from the approved projects, 33 administrative protocols have been drawn in July and August, the Administrative Commission has imposed fines in the range of between LVL 50 – 3,500.

The largest fine in the amount of LVL 3,500Ls has been imposed for the unauthorized construction of the building without the accepted construction project and the unauthorized usage of premises without commissioning at 103 A.Čaka iela.

The fine of LVL 3,000 Ls has been imposed for the unauthorized construction works without receiving the construction permit at 3 Aplokciema iela.

Similar fine has been imposed for the unauthorized usage of premises at 36 Kr.Barona iela.

The fine of LVL 2,000 Ls has been imposed for the unauthorized reconstruction works without receiving the construction permit and the unauthorized usage of the facility at 27 Atlantijas iela.

Similar fine has been imposed for the unauthorized demolition of the building at 4 Valgales iela.

The fine of LVL 1,000 Ls has been imposed for the illegal construction works at 41 Mūkusalas iela.

Riga City Council
City Development Department
Public Relations Division
telephone 7012916, 7037924


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