On Construction in the City of Riga in 2007

In 2007 in total 4,194 construction projects, which anticipate starting of new construction, reconstruction, renovation and engineering works, were approved and accepted by the Riga City Construction Board.

Last year the Riga City Construction Board received 2,836 confirmation cards to perform simplified renovation or reconstruction works that is 8% more than in 2006.

Whereas, the Riga City Construction Inspectorate issued 2,034 construction permits and commissioned 1,680 objects. The amount of construction permits, in comparison with 2006, has decreased by 23%, but the amount of the commissioned objects has increased by 9%. In 2007 public discussion for 72 construction projects took place, and this is by 9% less than in 2006.

In 2007 the Construction Board accepted several projects of multi-storey residential buildings:  construction of semi-detached houses at 13/15 Zemītes iela, the low-rise block of flats at 28 a Zemgaļu iela, the complex of buildings on Eiženijas iela, the multi-storey residential building at 61/63 Purvciemā iela, as well as the one at 5 Kurmju iela, 91 Bruņinieku iela, 95 Kalnciema iela, 4 Patversmes iela, 4 Briežu iela, and the complex of buildings on Lubānas iela, 6 section terraced houses at 35/37 Kartupeļu iela, etc. Among the accepted projects, there are also the office and residential building on Vēžu iela, the multifunctional business complex Symbiotic Tower at 1 Balasta dambis and the multifunctional complex on Zaķusalas krastmala and Krasta iela, as well as other objects.

Last year the Riga City Construction Board received 2,836 confirmation cards to perform simplified renovation/reconstruction, of these 2,295 applications were received from private persons and 541 from legal entities. In comparison with 2006, the amount of confirmation cards issued has increased by 244.

In 2007 public discussion for 72 construction projects took place, including on construction of the multi-storey residential building on Anniņmuižas bulvāris, the preliminary research project on location of the 3rd and 4th stages of the North Transport Corridor, the multifunctional complex in the block of Lielirbes, Ventspils, and Kauguru ielas, the complex of the multi-storey residential buildings on M.Keldiša iela, the multi-storey residential building on Biķernieku iela, construction at the u/n Skanstes iela block (offices and residential buildings), at 38 Skanstes iela, etc. The amount of public discussions, in comparison with 2006, has decreased by 8.

In 2007 the Riga City Construction Inspectorate issued 2,034 construction permits, including 305 for starting construction works in the Latgale Urban District, 279 in the Zemgale Urban District, 255 in the Vidzeme Urban District, 208 in the Northern Region, 158 in the Kurzeme Region and 84 in the Central Region.  745 construction permits were issued for arranging engineering structures. The bulk of the construction permits were issued for renovation works in flats.

In 2007 1,680 construction objects were commissioned in the city of Riga, including 647 engineering structures. The largest number of commissioned objects was in the Vidzeme Urban District – 280 objects. 219 objects were commissioned in the Latgale Urban District, 175 in the Zemgale Urban District, 136 in the Northern Region, 102 in the Central Region and 121 in the Kurzeme Region. In 2006 by 100 less construction objects were commissioned.

In total, in 2007 the following have been commissioned: 112 new office buildings with the total area of 195,696.68 sq. m, 97 new wholesale and retail sale buildings and warehouses with the total area of 124,924.64 sq. m, 367 blocks of flats, having three and more flats, with the total area of 536,493.19 sq. m and 242 single houses (private houses, individual residential houses, etc.) with the total area of 67,833.7 sq. m.

In 2007 the following have been commissioned: the block of flats (5 floors, 23 flats) on Ak.M.Keldiša iela, the block of flats (7 floors, 46 flats) at 9a Dž.Dudajeva gatve, the residential building (7 floors, 25 flats) on 22a Staraja Rusas iela, construction of the block of flats (6, 7, 8 floors, 199 flats) at 17 Upeņu iela, the complex of residential buildings with public and sales premises at 92, 96, 98 A.Čaka iela, the block of low-rise blocks of flats at 33 Kaivas iela, the residential house (6 floors, 25 flats) at 1 Vēžu iela, the blocks of flats in Imanta (16-12 floors, 156 flats) at 11 k.1 Kleistu iela, the block of flats (4 floors, 44 flats) at 111 H Slokas iela, the block of flats (6 floors, 25 flats) at 3 Nītaures iela, the office and residential building (6/7 floors, 49 flats) at 59 Slokas iela, the office and the block of flats (10 floors, 56 flats) at 9a Kalnciema iela and other objects.

According to the information currently available with the City Development Department, 271 administrative protocols have been drawn in 2007 for starting the unwarranted construction and deviations from the approved projects. Comparing with 2006, 120 more protocols have been drawn.

Administrative protocols have been drawn for the unauthorized usage of premises, construction and reconstruction of flats, which have not been approved by the Riga City Construction Board.  The total amount of penalties for code violations is LVL 152,250.

Riga City Council
City Development Department
Public Relations Division
Phone: 7012916; 7105933


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