On Construction in Riga in February

In February of 2009, 221 construction projects, which anticipate starting of new construction, reconstruction, renovation and engineering works, were approved and accepted by the Riga City Construction Board.

In February the Riga City Construction Board received 112 confirmation cards to perform simplified renovation or reconstruction and issued 125 construction permits. The Riga City Construction Inspection commissioned 75 objects.

In February 221 construction projects have been approved and accepted by the Riga City Construction Board, which is 21% less than last February.

Latgale Urban District had most approved and accepted construction and engineering projects namely 57, Zemgale Urban District had 45, Vidzeme Urban District had 36, Kurzeme Region had 34, the Northern Region had 31, and the Central Region had 18 construction and engineering communication projects.

The largest construction projects approved and accepted by the Riga City Construction Board in February have been: the Spice office building on Remtes iela; the block of flats with shop premises at Jelgavas iela 65; the vehicle automatic transmission maintenance centre at Krustpils iela 50a; the penal institutions administration building at Rūjienas iela 4; the complex of multi-functional residential and public buildings (Part A) at Antonijas iela 21 and Emīla Melngaiļa iela 2a; the ViesturaPr LMT base station at Viestura prospekts 17/1; connection of 23 residential buildings in Mežaparks to the city water main and sewage system; the block of flats at Krūtes iela 8; reconstruction of Zilās iela, designing of a new street along Beķera grāvis and a bridge over Beķergrāvis, as well as other construction projects.

The new construction projects approved at the diagram stage have been: construction of the Rīga TEC-1 additional water heating boiler at Viskaļu iela 16, the shopping centre at Augusta Deglava iela 164b, the office building on Dārzciema iela and other projects.

In February the Riga City Construction Board received 112 confirmation cards to perform simplified renovation/ reconstruction, which is 37% less than last February.

In February the Riga City Construction Board issued 125 construction permits, which is 15% more than last February: in the Northern Region – 37 construction permits, in Latgale Urban District – 22, in Zemgale Urban District – 21, in Vidzeme Urban District – 8, in the Central Region – 3 and in Kurzeme Region – 8. 26 construction permits were issued for arranging engineering networks.

In February 75 construction objects were commissioned in Riga, which is 38% less than last February. Most objects have been commissioned in Vidzeme Urban District namely 12; the Northern Region had 8 and Kurzeme Region 7, whereas Latgale Urban District and the Central Region had 4 construction objects in each and 40 engineering networks.

In the second month of the year the following objects were commissioned: construction and reconstruction of the warehouse at Dzirciema iela 119/1 with the total construction area of 1171.8 m²; reconstruction of the production facility at Aristīda Briāna iela 9 with the total construction area of 7135 m²; reconstruction of the hotel at Lauvas iela 2 with the total construction area of 5269,7 m²; renovation of the boiler house with installation of the automated gas boiler at Trijādības iela 5; four blocks of flats at Biķernieku iela 160 k-1, Biķernieku iela 160 k-2, Biķernieku iela 160 k-3 and Biķernieku iela 160 k-4, and other objects.

According to the currently available information, 17 administrative protocols were drafted in February on non-observation of the construction regulations, i.e. starting the unauthorized construction and deviations from the approved projects. The Administrative Commission imposed fines of LVL 50 – 1000. The total amount of fines for the made violations is LVL 4550.

The largest fine, in the amount of LVL 1000 was imposed to: Palink SIA for the started unauthorized construction – excavation of a foundation pit to build a trade shop at Dombrovska iela, and VIA SIA for construction of the 2-storey annex to the existing administrative building without the accepted construction project and the issued construction permit.

Riga City Construction Board
Public Relations Division


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