City Development Department improves the applications for building filing order

In order to shorten the time necessary for consideration of applications for building, Riga City Building Department has developed the form “Basic information on the building project”.

The transitional period is appointed till June, 15 of the present year, when applications for building are accepted both according to the new order and forms, and according to the old regime and forms on the building project. First 10 applicants, who correctly prepare documents according to the new order, will get the topographically pressed documents of Riga development plan as a gift.

Riga City Council City Development Department Building Department checks that applications are in accordance with operating normative acts regulating building. To simplify the receiving of building permissions, the Building Department has improved procedures for considering applications. Correctly prepared projects can help this process, trying to eliminate the possibility of permission being denied due to incompleteness of an application. The form “Basic information on the building project” has been introduced exactly for this reason. The form is necessary to be filled in and filed together with an application on building and other enclosures.

The professional knowledge is necessary to fill in the mentioned form; therefore the certificated architect must prepare it. The data necessary to be filled in on a form is related to the features of a building area and follows the requirements of certain articles of the indicated norms the certificated architect must know, carrying out architectural practice. The applicant of a building project formulates his requirements exactly and to the best of his ability, specifying master data about building in a new form, helping more rapid consideration of an application in the Building Department. Together with it, in cases when a building project is not accepted, an applicant of a project has exact criteria due to which the Building Department Council gave a negative decision as the requirements indicated in a new form stipulate an objective evaluation. Building Department hopes that a new order will shorten the time, expended for consideration of every application and lower the number of building projects having to be reviewed.

All the applicants for building in the transitional period are welcome to leave comments and suggestions about this innovation. Riga City Building Department will summarize the obtained information and comments and, in case of necessity, will develop an additional form and will create the final version of this new form.

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