City Development Department Customer Service Centre has served more than 25 000 visitors

The City Development Department Customer Service Centre has served more than 25 000 clients during the first four months of the present year.

The number of clients, served during these four months is a third of all the clients the Centre serviced during two latest years.

For the last three years the City Development Department Customer Service Centre on Amatu Street 4 services more than 117 000 inhabitants. It provided them with necessary information and gave consultations about the order of building in town, placing of advertising, solutions of engineering and communication questions, possibilities of the use of land, furthermore, requests on building were received and prepared documents on building issued.

“We are very glad we can assist to increase the amount of the City Development Department visitors and simultaneously develop the quality of the services given ”, – states acting leader of the Customer Service Centre Liga Misyuna (Līga Misjūna), – “customer service specialists have to be fluent in a number of questions in order to give the Centre’s visitors an exact answer to every question”.

The Customer Service Centre on Amatu Street 4 started to work in August, 2002. Statistics testify that for 5 years, the number of the serviced clients (in a week) has increased by 6 times. If approximately 200 persons were serviced during a week in 2002, approximately 1200 inhabitants have been serviced during a week in the first 4 months of this year according to statistics, executed by the City Development Department.

It should be underlined, that in connection with the growth of the number of clients serviced in 2006, the City Development Department increased the number of services offered by the Customer Service Centre. Originally, the Customer Service Centre offered four types of services, but, since 2007, the choice of services has increased. Now Customer Service Centre provides various information, related to the questions of building in Riga, it issues and receives back different documents – certificates about permission of the use of plot of land, building projects, documents related to advertising and signboards, permissions on building, simplified documents on renovation and reconstruction.

There are electronic services accessible for the population at the home page of the Department are still working and perfected in the City Development Department. There are such services as tax on building calculator, certificate about possibilities of the use of land, search of permissions on building and building projects, etc.

Public Relations Division
Telephone 67012916, 67037924


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